Support the Center for Gender Health

Because each person’s experience is unique, Hartford Hospital’s Center for Gender Health brings together experts in endocrinology, gynecology, plastic surgery, primary care, and behavioral health to tailor care to each individual’s needs in a supportive, private environment.

Your philanthropic support will allow us to enhance our services, while sustaining our welcoming atmosphere for gender diverse individuals.

We invite you to make a gift in support of the Center for Gender Health using the donation form provided below.

Institute of Living's Center for Gender Health

100% of your gift will support the Center for Gender Health at the Institute of Living

Donor Information

Billing Address(Required)

Additional Information (Optional)

If this gift is from a group or organization, please leave that information in the comments box. You may also leave any other information you’d like us to know about the gift in the comments.

Matching Gifts (Optional)

If your employer has a matching gift program and you’d like to match your gift to Hartford Hospital, please check the box below and provide your company name.
Gift Match?

Tribute Information (Optional)

Please provide us with the name of the individual whom the gift is in memory or honor of. Unless your gift is anonymous, we will notify the individual or next of kin of your donation (we do not disclose dollar amount).