We offer an online program (total time: approximately 3 hours) that demonstrates the use of the DIAMOND, trains raters to criterion, and calculates each trainee’s inter-rater reliability with the original interviewer.
To register for the online training course, click here and indicate the number of trainees who will take the course. You will then receive an email requesting the email addresses of those trainees, and they will be sent a link to the course.
This video-based program includes:
• An introduction to the use of the DIAMOND
• A full sample diagnostic interview
• Test videos that quiz the trainee on whether a given symptom is present or absent
Each trainee receives a report at the end of training that documents:
• Percent agreement of symptom questions with the original interviewer
• Kappa values of inter-rater agreement
• Percent agreement with diagnostic severity rating scales
The online training course is well suited for:
• Student interviewers who are learning structured interviewing
• Experienced interviewers who want to learn how to use the DIAMOND
• Raters in clinical trials and other research studies
Click here to view a sample of the online training course.
Click here to obtain a copy of the DIAMOND.
Click here to obtain a copy of the DIAMOND self-report screening questionnaire.
Click here to obtain a copy of an article showing the psychometric properties of the DIAMOND.
Click here to obtain a copy of the DIAMOND-KID.
Click the following links to obtain a copy of the DIAMOND-KID self-child/adolescent screening and parent-report screening questionnaires.