The Hartford Hospital Gratitude Program

You may have noticed from a stay or visit at Hartford Hospital that it takes many resources to deliver the most advanced care to our patients—from purchasing leading-edge equipment to providing continuing education for our nursing and medical staff, among many other needs.

The Hartford Hospital Gratitude Program provides an opportunity for you or your loved ones to say “thank you” by making a financial contribution that will advance our mission and better our community. Gifts of any amount make a difference and are always greatly appreciated.

Ways to Give Through the Gratitude Program.


Give Online

Fill out the form below.

Phone or Email

Contact the Philanthropy Department

You can call the Philanthropy Department at 860.972.2322 or email us.

Email the Philanthropy Dept.


Mail a Gift

Mail your gift to:
Hartford Hospital Philanthropy
80 Seymour Street
P.O. Box 5037
Hartford, CT 06102

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Donor Information

Billing Address(Required)

Additional Information (Optional)

If this gift is from a group or organization, please leave that information in the comments box. You may also leave any other information you’d like us to know about the gift in the comments.

Matching Gifts (Optional)

If your employer has a matching gift program and you’d like to match your gift to Hartford Hospital, please check the box below and provide your company name.
Gift Match?

Tribute Information (Optional)

Please provide us with the name of the individual whom the gift is in memory or honor of. Unless your gift is anonymous, we will notify the individual or next of kin of your donation (we do not disclose dollar amount).
If known, please provide name and contact information for next of kin who should be notified of your gift.

Please note that PayPal and Electronic Checks are not currently available. We ask that you please use a credit card for payment.

Gratitude Program Stories

A "Tremendous Gift"

New parents grateful for the excellent care they received decided to help our team provide the best possible experience for other families.

As they waited for their baby to arrive, the new mom and dad noticed the outdated lights the nurses were using. They asked if they could replace them. With the couple’s generous donation, Hartford Hospital upgraded the lighting in several labor and delivery rooms and in one birthing surgical suite. In making the donation, the parents said: “We were so glad to provide Hartford Hospital staff with better tools. … We are very thankful to be able to help such amazing people do such an important job.”

Nurse Manager Michelle Walsh, RN, shared the gratitude of all our Labor & Delivery providers: “Our team’s goal is always to provide the best experience for the patient. When our staff is able to provide that best care, along with having the best equipment and tools, it makes the experience better for patients and more rewarding for staff. … To have a patient give back so generously also shows the tremendous amount of care and effort our team puts into every one of our patients. It’s a tremendous gift, because it continues to give 24/7. Giving birth to babies is a 24/7 business!”

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Newlyweds' Gift Celebrates Mother's Life

In lieu of favors for their guests, Joshua and Joelle Cyr decided to make a donation to the Helen & Harry Gray Cancer Center on behalf of Joshua's mother.

Joshua and his mother, Jean, have a very special relationship. When celebrations like weddings come up, the Cyrs are reminded of how it important it is to reflect on family and be grateful for overcoming darker times. The newlyweds also made a donation to the caregivers who helped Joelle’s father, Cliff, through his journey with lymphoma.

In the letter that accompanied their gift to the Helen & Harry Gray Cancer Center, the couple wrote: “We are so thankful to the wonderful doctors, nurses, and other staff at the Helen & Harry Gray Cancer Center who took care of Jean during her years of treatment and recovery. Today Jean is happy and healthy and breast cancer free for 12 years … Thank you for all that you do in savings people’s lives, like Jean’s.”

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