Exceptional gifts will benefit your community, friends, neighbors and loved ones for decades to come

Faced with rapid advances in healthcare technology and revolutionary changes in delivery systems—as well as increased costs and lower reimbursement rates—Hartford Hospital relies more than ever on the commitment of caring supporters. Exceptional gifts play a critical role in helping us provide the highest level of patient-centered care to our community.

These gifts support extraordinary opportunities across all areas of our hospital—such as new technology; expanding programs and services to provide high-quality care to patients, including those unable to pay; educating the next generation of physicians; and enhancing our facilities.

This page will help you learn more about Exceptional Gifts to Hartford Hospital—including Naming Opportunities and the Hartford Hospital Endowment—and provide you ways to get started today.

Naming Opportunities

A Naming Opportunity is special as it recognizes a donor’s significant commitment to our hospital and community. Hartford Hospital has several opportunities available and we would be pleased to discuss these opportunities, as well as options for plaque locations, with prospective donors. You can contact a member of our Philanthropy Team directly or use our Contact Us Form to start a conversation about these opportunities.

Plaques recognize gifts of $25,000 or more and will be commissioned and installed upon receipt of a signed promise pledge commitment or gift payment. Named endowment funds can be established for unrestricted or restricted use.

Give to Hartford Hospital's Endowment

Endowment donors have the satisfaction of knowing that Hartford Hospital’s Investment Committee will carefully manage their contributions.

Learn More About Our Endowment

Give Exceptionally

Donor Information

Billing Address(Required)

Additional Information (Optional)

If this gift is from a group or organization, please leave that information in the comments box. You may also leave any other information you’d like us to know about the gift in the comments.

Matching Gifts (Optional)

If your employer has a matching gift program and you’d like to match your gift to Hartford Hospital, please check the box below and provide your company name.
Gift Match?

Tribute Information (Optional)

Please provide us with the name of the individual whom the gift is in memory or honor of. Unless your gift is anonymous, we will notify the individual or next of kin of your donation (we do not disclose dollar amount).
If known, please provide name and contact information for next of kin who should be notified of your gift.